Mayor of Broadstairs Award
We are really excited to launch the Mayor of Broadstairs Award for all year 7 and 8 pupils.
This award is open to all pupils and will require them to participate in a number of different activities across the school year in order to develop their character.
The award is split in to 4 sub-sections:
Pupils need to commit themselves to completing twenty hours of physical activity. This can be completed either inside or outside of school, but does not include PE lessons.
Pupils need to commit themselves to ten hours of volunteering-based activities. This must be signed off by a non-family member and be in a recognised establishment.
Pupils need to commit themselves to learning a new skill (must not be the same skill as used for the Physical section) They need to record their progress in this learning in some way, demonstrating their journey of self-improvement over a sustained period of time.
Day Walk:
As a part of our existing Cultural Capital programme, pupils will complete a walking challenge, requiring them to work as a team to navigate themselves along a route to school.
Pupils can speak with Mrs Roden for more details.
Completion of the Mayor of Broadstairs Award is a good starting point for those pupils that wish to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award in year 9 and a great way for them to develop themselves with many of the skills that are fundamental to success in education and the future workplace.