At The Charles Dickens School we believe positive wellbeing contributes to improved physical, mental and social health, and supports good outcomes for pupils. As a Headstart Award School we value the importance of wellbeing support throughout a pupil’s time with us. This is implemented through our schools’ three-tiered approach to personal development:
Our Universal Offer sees pupils accessing a comprehensive pastoral programme which includes Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and our exciting Cultural Capital Programme.
Our specialised and bespoke offer provides addition support either using school based resources and interventions, or through multi-agency working with colleagues from a wide ranging multi-disciplinary team,
As a school we invest in pupil’s wellbeing through a whole-school approach, this is led by our Senior Mental Health Lead – Mrs Kettle (Deputy Headteacher), alongside Mrs Roden (Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development) and our wellbeing co-ordinator, Mrs Knight. Our approach to wellbeing is built upon evidence-based research, which looks to be creative, innovative and leads to pupils having incisive and effective support.
Help/advice and support available at CDS:
- Pastoral Check in from HOY/AHOY
- Signposting for parents/carers
- Kooth cards
- Kooth Corner in Safe Space
- Pastoral Team have access to Pastoral Toolkit to inform/seek guidance on support available
Examples of wellbeing interventions may include, but not be limited to:
- ACS Time out card to access safe space
- Medical Officer Interventions;
- School Nursing Referral
- Healthy Relationships Interventions
- Online Safety Interventions
- Salus – Intensive Mentoring
- Bereavement Support
- Resilience
- Social skills
- Self-esteem
- Anger management/emotional regulation
- Transition programmes (small group/whole class)
- Attendance projects/support, including support for Emotional Based School Avoidance
- Emotional Wellbeing Team Referral
- School Counselling
- Young Minds Mentoring
- CHYMPS (CAMHS) Referral
- Pie Factory Youth Hub Referral
- Front Door Referral
Pupil Wellbeing Suppport and Advice
Guide to Mental Health Support & CAMHS - YoungMinds
Relaxation techniques - Anna Freud
Dealing with loss and bereavement - Anna Freud
Managing social Media - Anna Freud
LGBTQI+ Mental Health - Anna Freud
Distraction techniques - Anna Freud
Parent/Carer Support and Advice
Emotional Wellbeing - Parents & Carers Information
Self-care for parents and carers - Anna Freud
Supporting your child - Kent Resilience Hub
Parents' A-Z Mental Health Guide - YoungMinds
How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health - YoungMinds
Getting support from mental health services - YoungMinds
Signs That a Child is Suffering From Mental Health Issues - NSPCC