KS4 Options
The Charles Dickens School’s Key Stage 4 curriculum consists of the following subjects, and aims to ensure that students have a breadth of both academic and technical courses at KS4.
Core Subjects
- English (Language and Literature)
- Mathematics
- Combined Science
- Physical Education (non-examined)
- RE/PSHEE/Citizenship (taught through Enrichment Days)
- Geography or History
Curriculum Options (3 Choices)
- Art. Craft and Design
- Business Enterprise Studies
- Child Development
- Information Technology
- Engineering Design
- French
- Health & Social Care
- Hospitality & Catering
- Music/Music Technology
- Media Studies
- Performing Arts: Dance
- Performing Arts: Drama
- Photography
- Religious Education
- Spanish
- Sport
- Textiles Design
- Travel & Tourism
The examination board has been chosen by each Curriculum Leader to give the students the best possible chance of accessing the highest grades and making good progress. All examination boards used have equal weighting and all provide pathways for further study at Post-16.
The technical courses are equivalent to, and as challenging as, GCSE courses but the learning is structured slightly differently with an emphasis on portfolio and practical based learning. All Technical courses have some external examination at the end of the course. It is essential to realise that work completed during Years 9, 10 and 11 will play a crucial part in determining the final grade awarded at the end of each course.
The BTEC grades awarded range from Distinction* to Pass at Level 2 (equivalent to grade 8.5 to 4 – old grade A*-C), and A-Level 1 Pass (equivalent to grade 1.75 – old grade F/G).